Get real cash savings immediately by using asset finance

Capital budgets are always tight in any business but especially tight when it is for a piece of equipment that whilst is saves money does not contribute to increased production. Most DK systems have a 18 month – 2 year payback but that still means paying out the capital sum and waiting 2 years to recover it before any true cash savings are realised.

Asset financing a heat recovery system eliminates the initial negative cash flow effect of purchasing the equipment and gives real cash saving immediately.

DK Heat Recovery have linked up with Green Technology Finance Limited to provide asset finance which is normally taken out over a 5-year term.

Typical Illustration – 36 kW System
Equipment Cost £9,250.00
Install Cost (Estimate by others) £7,500.00
Payback Period 17 months
Annual Saving £12,110.00
Finance Cost (per Annum) £4,225.00
Cash Saving (per Annum) £7,885.00

If you would like to know more then please contact Neil Baxendale 07957 092415

The finance illustration is provided by Green Technology Finance Limited and is subject to proposal and acceptance on standard rates, a director’s guarantee will normally be required. The actual rate may be lower of higher depending upon the financial status of the client.

Green Technology Finance Limited is an independent finance broker
Company Registration No: 6959572
Financial Conduct Authority: 710787
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